Welp, figured it's time to dust off this here blog and start documenting a pretty big period in my life. It's been a crazy few months filled with lots of intense work, my LAST (like ever!) semester of grad school, and a baby on the way! I always imagined that I'd do weekly surveys to keep track of this special time but that definitely hasn't happened. Better late than never! Let's start with week 18!
How far along? 19 weeks on Sunday!
Total weight gain/loss: Just about 4 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Boy are maternity clothes disappointing... I started off strong at about six weeks with some adorable cropped work pants from Gap. Very misleading, everything else I've tried is terrible. So far I'm having the best luck with normal, stretchy clothes. Some maternity jeans are a must though, so the search continues.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Symptoms: Feeling great! I've been pretty lucky. The only issues this week have been lower back pain and an annoying pain in my ribs on the right side when I eat too much.
Sleep: It seems like I have a great night's sleep every other night. On the off nights I'm tossing and turning or staring at the ceiling.
Best moment this week: Finding out the sex of our little peanut! Christmas eve/day were a close second.
Worst moment of the week: The drive to the ultrasound - let's just say pregnancy brain is in full effect and we won't ever talk about it again, k?
Have you told family and friends: Yes! The hubby tells perfect strangers everywhere we go.
Miss Anything? Champagne. No question. It's just not a holiday party (or hell, a friday night!) without it!
Movement: Not sure. A couple possible kicks here and there.
Food cravings: Up until this week I was having a total aversion to sweets. Those days are definitely gone. All sugar, all day, these days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! I've had my first couple of strangers asking if I'm expecting. I'm half insulted, half excited!
Gender prediction: Girl! I was sure of it. And it turns out we've got a little boy kicking around in there!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy with a side of emotional!
Looking forward to: Starting on the nursery. I can make some decisions now that we know what we're working with.
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