April 6, 2014

Sunday Shopping.

I was thinking it might be fun to do a weekly meal planning series.  To kick it off, I'll tell you how we plan our weekly meals and what's most important to us in planning.

First, we HAVE to get our groceries over the weekend.  If that doesn't happen, the rest of our week is a total mess. Second, I plan a specific dinner menu for each night.  Mostly I'll only plan five nights worth to allow for anything that might come up.  The hubby sometimes forgets to tell me about business dinners, guys' night out, etc.  I also like to be able to switch the meals around within the week to accommodate other changes that crop up - like I just don't feel like fish tacos tonight!

A couple of other key elements for us are potential for leftovers and level of effort/time.  I used to cook 80% of the time but being in graduate school - particularly these last two semesters - has totally turned our night-time routine up-side-down!  Thank goodness for the hubby.  He's now on deck to cook the two nights I'm in school, and the reality is he winds up cooking the two nights in between, too, because I'm either exhausted or still doing reading/homework throughout the week.  So, given the current situation I try to plan at least one meal that will have enough leftovers for another night's dinner.  Alternatively, I try to think about what would make for good lunches.  And because I'm still doing the planning and shopping, I try to think about recipes that won't be too complicated or time consuming if he has to step in unexpectedly.  A quick note here - the hubby is a fantastic cook!  I mean, everything he makes is seriously good!  But you know how after years of doing it your own way, you tend to write yourself notes in shorthand, or you forget to document a change or shortcut from a recipe you've been making for forever?  The devil is in the details, and those darn details have started more than a few fights!

Finally, this is probably obvious, but it took some serious effort on my part to get it down.  I carefully check to see what we have left from the week prior so that we minimize anything in our fridge going bad.  This also helps me sequence the menus.  Call me crazy, but I also like to check the week's weather forecast.  At this very moment we happen to be having a downpour and lasagna sounds so comforting!  But the weather has been crazy, and what if it's 75 degrees on Monday night and lasagna winds up being way too heavy?  Details I tell you!

Anyway, on to this week's menu:

Sunday: Lasanga (I couldn't resist!)

I use my mom's recipe, which is traditional Sicilian style.  The hubby says there's too much cheese and not enough meat, but I've been eating it and making it this way my whole life.  I know the recipe by heart now but one of these days I'll write it up and post it.

Monday: Crab cakes and edamame

I love Trader Joe's Maryland style crab cakes.  Delish!  I like to serve it with edamame on the side - aso from TJ's.

Tuesday: Southwestern Quinoa

We love this recipe!  This is one of my go-to blogs for healthy recipes.  When we can find it (did you know the world is currently suffering from a shortage?!), I throw in shrimp.  Another shout-out to TJ's - we love their Red Argentinian uncooked, deveined shrimp.  This recipe makes for great weekday lunches, too! 

Wendesday: Tuna Melts

Yum!  The hubby likes to make open faced tuna melts.  We use sourdough bread (gluten-cheat!) and extra sharp cheddar cheese.

Thursday: Leftovers

Usually I plan leftovers more carefully, but I'll be dining alone Thursday evening, so I'll either eat leftover lasagna or leftover Southwestern Quinoa.

Friday and Saturday, as usual, we'll wing it!  What are some of your favorite weeknight dinners?


  1. Grilled chicken or salmon, roasted broccoli, or a baked sweet potato. Cooking for one is no fun :-/ Your lasagna sounds delicious!

    1. Yum! What do you put on the baked sweet potato? I've never made that!
